Tuesday, 22 January 2013
These are the storyboards that we have created for our opening sequence of a horror film. They show an image of the shot, what sound or dialogue will be in the shot and the camera movement of the shot.
Character Descriptions
These are the descriptions for the characters seen in the opening sequence of our horror film. They show a profile of what the character looks like, what they will be wearing during the opening sequence and a description of the character's personality.
Shooting Schedule
This is the shooting schedule that we are using to plan what shots we are doing, when and what characters and props are needed.
Thursday, 17 January 2013
We have thought about using these fonts for our opening sequence because they would create a horrifying atmosphere that would be suitable for horror films. The fonts would look like someone had written them in blood.
We would place the titles in the bottom corners of the shots so that they would be noticeable to the audience but would not interfere with the image in the shots.
The order that the titles would appear would begin with the Distributer Company Logo and the Production Company Logo. The name of the Director would appear, followed by the main two actors. The main title then appears in front of a black background. The names of other actors and then the other crew names appear in the order of most important to least important.
The fonts are called:
Crimes Times Six
Feast of Flesh
Face Your Fears
This is a Bubbl to show why we chose each actor to play each character.
George is playing both the murderer and the male character walking in the woods because he would be able to fit with both characters and would be able to play someone who is a dangerous killer and someone who is a victim of the killer.
Lucie is playing the role of the dead girl because although she is only playing a minor role, she will be playing a big part in the directing of the opening sequence and the editing.
Lindsay is playing the role of the woman walking in the woods because she would fit the character of someone who is fragile and vulnerable, who is an easy target for the killer.
The Script
(Tom and Katie are walking their dog through Nonsuch Park. Their dog begins to pull away from them as he smells something unusual. Tom and Katie follow the dog and find the dead body)
Katie: Oh my God!
Tom: Call the police!
(Katie begins to panic but gets out her phone and calls '999')
Katie: Hello?! Police?!
(Phone cuts out)
Katie: Hello? Hello?! Tom, it's not working!
(Katie turns around. Tom has disappeared)
Katie: Tom?!
Katie: Oh my God!
Tom: Call the police!
(Katie begins to panic but gets out her phone and calls '999')
Katie: Hello?! Police?!
(Phone cuts out)
Katie: Hello? Hello?! Tom, it's not working!
(Katie turns around. Tom has disappeared)
Katie: Tom?!
Location Permission
These show the permission form that we filled out to ask the Sutton Council for permission to use Nonsuch Park to film. This is so that the council know that we are filming there which means that they do not find any activity that we are doing there suspicious.
This is the permit that we have received which has given us permission to film in Nonsuch Park on 25th January and 27th January.
Storyboard Animatic
This is an animatic that we made to show how our shots would look in our opening sequence with the music that we are planning to use.
Monday, 7 January 2013
Props, Costumes and Locations Lists
The dog would be used with the two characters walking through the park. The dog is significant because it will find the body of the dead girl .
The phone is going to be used by one of the characters who would call for help when they find the body of the dead girl.
The note with the threatening message on it to the two characters will be held by the dead girl. This is significant because it will tell the audience and the two characters that they are next because they found the body. This will create a sinister atmosphere for the opening sequence.
The dog would be used with the two characters walking through the park. The dog is significant because it will find the body of the dead girl .

Threatening note
The two characters walking through the park will be wearing warm, winter clothes such as coats, jumpers, jeans or leggings and then hats, scarves and gloves. This shows that it is very cold in the park, possibly early in the morning. The cold weather would give the opening sequence a chilling, eerie atmosphere because the setting may be darker than if this took place in the summer. The clothes that they would be wearing would look relatively normal showing that walking the dog would be an everyday activity and they do not expect anything unusual to come out of it.
The dead girl would also be wearing normal clothes such as jeans or leggings and a jumper which shows that she was caught by surprise when she died as she was having a normal day just as the two characters who find her were. Her clothes however, would be a bit older and have a lot of dirt on them to show that she had been in the clearing for a long time.
The killer would be wearing all black or dark clothing to show the representation that he is evil and dangerous. The dark colours would also show that he would not want to be seen, especially in the dark.
Our opening sequence will be set in a park that looks very remote and isolated. This will create the sense of danger for the two characters walking through the park and puts the audience on edge because the two characters are alone in the park and anything can happen to them. The location would be quite a woody area in the park so that there is a place for the body of the dead girl to be hidden.
Horror Film Opening Sequence Possible Soundtrack Ideas
This could be a possible soundtrack for our opening sequence because it builds up and then gets quieter. This would create tension for the audience and would make them nervous about what may happen to the characters that are first seen in our opening sequence. A soundtrack like this could be used at the beginning of our opening sequence when the main title appears and the first shot of the couple walking through the park comes on. However, the sound effects in this soundtrack may not be suitable for our opening sequence theme so we would need to find a soundtrack without the sound effects and noises.
This could also be a possible soundtrack for our horror film opening sequence because it is quite slow-paced which would build up suspense in the audience and connotes that there is something evil and sinister going on in the park where we see the two characters walking the dog. A soundtrack like this could be used in the opening sequence when the dog finds the body because it would show the transition from the equilibrium of the couple walking their dog on a normal day to disequilibrium when they find the body.
A soundtrack similar to this could also be used in our opening sequence because it is very slow and quiet with a constant pace. This could be used to build up the tension and put the audience on edge as they wonder what will happen to the two characters walking in the park after they have found the dead body. The soundtrack also makes the characters seem more isolated because it is very quiet which makes itfeel as if the characters are in a remote place where no one can find them. The soundtrack could be used throughout the sequence, especially when the audience first see the characters walking through the park with the dog. By using the soundtrack here, a dark and sinister atmosphere is set and the audience begin to guess that something will happen to them.
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